I’m not actually on much of a French kick—I don’t even speak the language—but I realized that this month I have two titles hitting French bookstores.

36, boulevard Yalta (dig the cool cover) is the third in the series to be put out by Editions Liana Levi. They very optimistically bought all five books when The Bridge of Sighs was nominated for an Edgar years ago, and they put it out under the title Cher camarade.Cher camarade

Coincidentally, Cher camarade is also being released—or, re-released—this month as part of Gallimard’s “Collection Folio policier” series, which is an honor. Their list includes such luminaries as Ian Fleming, Chandler, Martina Cole and Ken Bruen—as well as a host of other people I’ve admittedly never heard of.

I can’t say my books have been doing all that well in France—one online reviewer has given my books wonderful notices, but she seems to be alone in even noticing the books. I’m told that the Gallimard release will give my books an automatic level of respectability, and perhaps give my French potential a shot in the arm.

Which I can only hope is true.

(Originally posted at the Contemporary Nomad)