After mining the resources of online radio dramas, I became aware of what most people use podasting for—commentary and news. I know, I’m always behind the curve on this stuff, but once again, I was surprised and elated by all the stuff out there.

When I lived in Boston, I was a regular listener of Christopher Lydon’s The Connection. Lydon, whatever might be said about him, is a brilliant man with an amazing base of knowledge, allowing him to speak equally astutely with physicists, composers, novelists, diplomats and garbage collectors. So cool is he, that Boston’s own Brechtian punk-cabaret band, The Dresden Dolls, wrote an ode called “Christopher Lydon”. So one can imagine my excitement at finding the streaming site for The Connection.

OK, it won’t go on my iPod, but it’s a wealth of listening pleasure nonetheless.

Even in the far reaches of Eastern Europe, I’m connected to such old regulars as NPR and WGBH. But just recently, the online airwaves have gotten more exciting, due to local expat Drew Leifheit, a man with a long radio history, who’s just set up Budacast, a weekly podcast dealing with news, culture, and entertainment in the area. Yours truly will be interviewed on a future show, but check out the premier episode, which focuses on the festivities celebrating the anniversary of Hungary’s 1956 uprising against the Soviets.

(Originally posted at the Contemporary Nomad)