The French edition of Bridge, Cher Camarade, is out, and the first review is, if I understand it right, quite good. I ran it through Google’s handy translator and learned that lines like
En définitive, le propos de ce roman profondément humain, et puissant, qui éveille au fond de soi de réels bouleversements, n’est pas la résolution d’une intrigue criminelle ni la mise au jour de ses implications politiques - c’est pourtant bien à cela que conduit le récit, et de manière fort habile - mais plutôt de regarder au plus intime les processus qui sous-tendent les relations humaines dans les contextes les plus difficiles.
In the end, the subject of this deeply human and powerful novel, which awakens at the bottom of oneself real [emotional] upheavals, is not the resolution of a criminal intrigue nor the political implications of its setting — however well this is done, and it’s done in an extremely skilful way — but rather to look closely at the processes which underlie human relations in the most difficult contexts.
Ms Weinman’s blog