Sony says "Hello, Tourist"

As reported by Dateline, ​Sony Pictures is going to see about making a film of The Tourist, with (as seen above) Doug Liman (Bourne Identity, Fair Game, etc) slated to direct. Fantastic news, and since I'm a fan of the aforementioned films it's an exciting prospect. In my experience the beginning stage of film development goes slowly, but I'll report back whatever news comes my way.

"Yee ha!" he said.​

PS: More from The Playlist.​

The WaPo on the audio

Great review in the Washington Post today of the audiobook of American Spy—kudos to the greatly talented David Pittu, who did an outstanding job on it.

Like the two novels that precede it, this one is richly populated with characters of shifting loyalties from manylands, an assembly that demands a range of accents and voices: German, Eastern European, African, Chinese and American of both sexes. David Pittu executes them all…

…As for the plot: It creates almost unbearable suspense as its characters, surrounded by every species of treachery, find themselves fatally ‘caught in the folds of foreign policy.’


The Next One

A full, if deeply flawed, draft of the next novel—title still to be decided. Just trying to gather the strength to edit the damned thing!

Minotaur Art

Ever wonder how book cover designs develop? Check out this first post by David Rotstein, art director at Minotaur books, at the Minotaur Art blog. Expect posts giving a little background to the various cover designs he’s overseen. Starting with…mine!

Check it out!

Apologies to Oakland

To those planning to attend tomorrow evening’s Oakland Public Library panel, “Mysterious Places,” with Cara Black, Rhys Bowen, and me, I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to make it. Personal life steps in the way again…sadly, for I was really looking forward to this event.


Anyway, once life has gotten back on track I’ll try to make it up there for some other event, and when that’s arranged I’ll let everyone know. Just wish I could be there with Cara and Rhys for what I’m sure will be a great time. I envy all of you who will be there!

The Bookreporter

An American Spy |

And from the Department of Good News, a wonderful take on An American Spy by Joe Hartlaub at Bookreporter. It’s a very generous review, and very perceptive, particularly when he says, “Steinhauer must have driven himself crazy writing An American Spy.” That’s pretty close to the truth, and explains why I’ve put Milo on the shelf for the moment…